Create a new private contact or create a private contact from an existing person

MJA Updated by MJA

Newbase works with persons and contacts.

The person module contains data about the person such as name, gender, private data.

The contact module contains business data.

A person always only appears once in Newbase, but this person can appear multiple times as a contact in Newbase. For example, working for company A and working for company B. For more information about the difference between person and contact click here

If a contact is not linked to an organization, we call it a private contact

​1. Create a new private person

To create a private contact, follow the steps below.

For more information about creating a contact linked to an organisation, click here.

  1. Go to the Person module and click on New
  2. Only complete the fields in the Person or Department box
Only the red-framed fields for Person need to be completed. So DO NOT fill in the Contact data box and NOT the organisation box. If you did, you would not be creating a private contact, but you would be linking the person to an organisation and it would therefore become a business contact
It is important to also enter the address details of the Person including the country, otherwise the correct settings will not be loaded later when creating an invoice, for example. To add the address, click on the 'more' button within the Person box. The screen below opens. You can also add the email address and telephone number of the private relationship here.
  1. Click on the 'Extra Private Data' button to enter the address details, telephone number and email address
  2. Click on 'Create' to create the private contact

​2. Turning an existing person into a private contact

  1. Go to the person module and find the person for whom you want to create a private contact
  2. In the 'linked contacts' widget you can see whether this person is also linked to an organization or whether this person has already been created as a private contact
  3. If you want to make this person a private contact click on the pencil icon of this widget and then click on the plus icon in the pop-up and choose 'private person'
  4. Now the 'organisation, person, contact input screen opens. You will see in the green frame that the chosen person has already been linked. To create a private contact of this person, enter information in the red box 'contact' data. Enter NOTHING in Organization.
  5. Click create

How did we do?

Modify organisation address (duplicate)

Create message
