Link a different debtor to a organization (debtor connection)

MJA Updated by MJA

It is possible to link another debtor to an organization. This can be done via widget 'debtor connection' within an organization. In this way, organization A can place an order and organization B can pay for the order.

This is useful, for example, if invoices have to be sent to a head office while branches are allowed to order independently. In this example, you create an organization for both the head office and the branches, but only the head office is the debtor.

To get another linked debtor on a sales document, first create the document and then link the contact/organization. If you create a sales document direct from a contact it will not work.
  1. Make sure that the organizations have been entered within the Organization module
  2. Make sure there is a debtor for the paying organization
  3. Go to the organization to which you want to link another debtor
  4. Go to the 'debtor link' widget, click on the pencil icon and add the paying debtor
  1. Now when creating a sales quotation, order or invoice, the linked debtor will be taken over immediately

Points of attention:

If you work with one company in Newbase, 1 debtor connection is possible.

If you work with multiple companies within Newbase and all data is shared, only 1 debtor can be linked.

If you work with multiple companies within Newbase, but only CRM data is shared, a debtor can be linked per company.

How did we do?

Create a (private) debtor (and choose company)

Get payments from Twinfield (debtors)
