Update standard purchase price of existing products

MJA Updated by MJA

To update the standard purchase prices(SPP) of a series of products, you can use the option "Update standard purchase price".

If this option has not been handed out, you can contact the application manager.
Please note that this option is not a search. You need to search the products that you want to update yourself. You can do this search manually or use the standard query 'standard purchase price <> pricebreak purchase price 'that searches for products where the standard purchase price in the product deviates from the default purchase price and if this is empty deviates from the purchase price.

This option updates the SPP in the following way:

  1. If there is a default supplier for the product with a default purchase price, this purchase price is taken *.
  2. If 1 is not found, a default sales price line is searched for and the purchase price in this line is taken*.
  3. If 1 and 2 do not apply, the standard purchase price will not be changed

* for the calculation of the price (landed price) see the calculation of the price line; in addition to the purchase price, this can also include components such as import duties, costs for handling, financing costs and transport costs)

You can also use the product import tool to change de standard purchase price.

How did we do?

How to set the standard purchase price of a product?

Standard purchase price at a composed product
