Difference between contact and person

MJA Updated by MJA

In Newbase, customer data is divided into organisations, persons and contacts. The program person contains the personal data such as gender, birthday, private address, private e-mail address etc. The program contact contains all business data such as the position and accessibility data.

A person only exists 1x in Newbase, but this person can occur several times as a contact in Newbase.


Mr. Jansen works as a purchaser at the organisation "PC BV" and regularly buys PCs from us as part of that position. Mr. Jansen also bought a computer for himself.

In the program organisation we then know one organisation: PC BV

In the program person we then know one person: Mr. Jansen

In the contact program we then know two contacts:

- Mr. Jansen as purchaser at PC BV.

- Mr. Jansen as a private person

How did we do?

Wat is person in Newbase?

Use of addresses
