Why is the sales price not adjusted and what is the difference between updating and indexing product prices?

MJA Updated by MJA

​1. General​

You have a product database in Newbase. A product is given a sales price by creating a sales price break line. Click here for more information about creating or changing a sales price within a product. If you want to do this in bulk click here.

You can link a product to a sales document such as a quotation, or to a service project contract line or to a member line.

As soon as a product is linked somewhere, the price at that moment is adopted. If you then adjust the sales price in the product database, this price will NOT automatically be copied to existing sales documents. You can imagine that a quotation should not suddenly receive a different price.

The price will also NOT be adjusted on a service project contract line or member line.

2. What is the difference between indexing product prices and updating product prices?

Indexing and updating is only possible on products linked to a sales document or a service project contract line. If you want to adjust prices in the product database, you can do so as described in the first paragraph.


Product X has a sales price in the product database (with 1 or more price break lines). For example Euro 500.00.

Product X is linked to a sales quotation and at that time the price in the database was Euro 500.00. If the price of the product in the database is adjusted to Euro 600.00, the price on the quotation is still Euro 500.00.

Product X is also linked to a service project contract line. At that time, the service project contract line receives the price of the product at that time. In the above example Euro 500.00.

If your sales price of product in the database changes to Euro 600.00, this price will NOT be transferred to the service project contract line, which still has a price of Euro 500.00.

If you want to update the prices on the service project contract lines and align them with the prices from the product database, you choose to update the prices on the service project contract lines. Click here for more information.

If you want to index the prices of the service project contract lines, click here for more information. Please realize that when indexing you only change the prices of the service project contract lines and NOT the prices in the products database.

How can you adjust sales prices that are linked somewhere?

To update the product price on existing sales documents, click here.

If you would like to update the product prices on an existing service project contract line, click here.

If you want to index product prices on existing service project contract lines, click here.

To update product prices on existing member lines, click here.

If you want to index product prices on existing service project contract lines, click here.

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