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How to create a creditor

MJA Updated by MJA

General information regarding the connection with Twinfield and/or Basecone:
Creditors are created in Newbase and transferred to Twinfield. Creditors are then transferred from Twinfield to Basecone. This does not go directly from Newbase to Basecone.
Before you can create a creditor in Newbase, it must exist as an organization in Newbase. If the organization does not yet exist, click here for an explanation of how to create an organization. If it concerns a private creditor, you must first create a private contact, click here for an explanation.
If you work with multiple companies, depending on the settings, you must choose which company you do this for when creating the creditor. You should choose the company BEFORE you fill in anything else with the creditor. More information below in point .6

​1. Create creditor

  1. Go to the Creditor module and click on New
  2. A pop-up now opens that allows you to choose between an organization or a private person creditor, in our example we choose organization
  3. A new pop-up will now open. Click in the organization field and another pop-up will open where you can enter the name of the organization
  4. Select the found organization by clicking on it > click save
  5. Newbase now navigates to the 'input screen' where you can enter other information. What this input screen looks like may differ per user and can be adjusted to your preference. If you work with multiple companies, this is the time why you choose which company you create the creditor for. You do this by clicking on the color and choosing the correct company in the pop-up.
  6. ​When all desired fields have been entered, click save. Newbase now navigates to the summary screen of the created creditor

​2. Is the creditor not in Twinfield and/or Basecone?

A creditor is created in Newbase and transferred from Newbase to Twinfield when locked. From Twinfield the creditor goes to Basecone. This does not go directly from Newbase to Basecone.

If a creditor is not listed in Twinfield and/or Basecone, this may be due to:

1. Creditor has not been created in Newbase

2. Creditor is not locked in Newbase and therefore not transferred to Twinfield

3. The synchronization between Twinfield and Basecone is not going well

You can check the latter within Basecone, see the print screen below.

3. ​Set creditor contact person as standard for purchase orders​

You can link a contact person to a creditor within the detail widget.

If a contact person is linked to a credit card, this will be adopted as a proposal contact person when a purchase order is created. You can then change and delete the contact person on the purchase order.

If a contact person is linked to the creditor after a purchase order has been created, it will not be changed retroactively in existing purchase orders. when a purchase order is duplicated, the contact person will be taken over from the original purchase order.

When creating a message from the purchase order, only the data from the purchase order is used and the creditor settings are no longer taken into account.

How did we do?

Book purchase invoice to Twinfield

Create purchase order via a RFQ (request for quotation)
