Manually set an invoice to booked or not booked in Newbase

MJA Updated by MJA

If you work with journal entries, we advise NOT to use this functionality.
By setting an invoice that has already been booked to not booked via the check mark, it will NOT disappear from Twinfield. You are responsible for making sure the administration within Twinfield is correct.
By setting an invoice that has not yet been booked to booked via the check mark in the widget, it will NOT end up in Twinfield. So no booking is made with this action.
  1. Open (and unlock) the relevant sales invoice
  2. Go to the 'status booked' widget. If you don't have these, you can ask your application manager to hand them out
  3. You can now change the status of books:
    1. If the invoice has not yet been booked, you can tick the box. The status then changes to booked without actually being booked. In this way, for example, the invoice no longer comes up if you were to search for invoices that have not been booked.
    2. If the invoice has already been booked, you can uncheck the box. The status then changes from booked to not booked. Please note: with this action the existing booking will not disappear from Twinfield. For example, if an invoice is still in Twinfield as a draft booking, you can delete it and re-book the invoice in this way.

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