Unable to send a message / email

MJA Updated by MJA

If you are unable to send a message/email, this may have a number of causes:

1. The user linked to the message is not authorized

2. The logged in user is not authorized to send a message from the linked user

3. The email address of the linked contact is incorrect

4. It doesn't work because of the attached attachment to the message

Below is a further explanation for each part:

​1. The user linked to the message is not authorized

A user / employee is automatically linked to a message. You can see which user is linked within the message in the 'message content' widget.

In principle, the logged in user is linked to a new message unless a template is used to which another user is linked.

For example: when sending a sales invoice, a template may have been set up to which the user 'finance' is linked, so that the message is sent by a finance email address. Or when sending a quotation, a 'sales' user may be automatically linked to a sales email address.

The linked user must be authorized to send messages. If necessary, contact your internal application manager.

​1.1 How can you see if a user is authorized?​

You can see this in various places by a red envelope icon. For example within the list of users and list of templates. But also within a detail widget of users or a message.

1.2 How can you authorize?

Are you linked to the message?

If you create a new / separate message without a template, the logged in user is automatically linked to the message. If you are not authorized yourself, you cannot send an email. You can authorize yourself as a user by clicking on your name at the top right > then choosing user settings

Then choose Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 and follow the steps.

Is another user associated with the message?

If you are working with a template to which another user is linked, for example with a sales or finance email address, that user must be authorized. The internal application manager can do this via the user card in the Users Newbase module.

Click here for more information on how the application manager can authorize a user.

​2. The user that is logged in to Newbase does nog have permisson to send a message from the account of another user

If a user other than yourself is linked to the message, this user must authorize you to send a message. Click here for more information.

​3. The email address of the linked contact is incorrect

It is possible that a message is not sent because the email address of a linked contact is incorrect. There may be a spelling error or there may be a period after the email address, for example. Check the email address and adjust it if necessary within the relationship module via the 'accessibility' widget.

​4. It doesn't work because of the attached attachment to the message

If there is an attachment linked to the message and the linked user is authorized and the message fails to be sent, the linked user may not have access or sufficient rights to the folder where the attachment is stored. Newbase cannot contribute anything to this. We do not have access to your Sharepoint or Google Drive. In this case, please contact your internal application manager.

How did we do?

Delete contact or set to inactive?

Import / sychronise emails
