Create sales quotation

MJA Updated by MJA

There are 3 ways to create a new sales quotation:

  1. From the program sales quotation > click on the button New
  2. Duplicate another document to a new sales quotation, for instance from sales opportunity to sales quotation. Click in the upper right corner on the 'actions' icon within the the document that you wish to duplicate and choose the action you want.
  3. From a contact or another module via the widget ' activit log'. Click on the paperclip icon and choose the document that you want to create.

You will then arrive at the entry screen. What this screen looks like can differ per person/role, depending on how it is set up for/by you.

You can link products to an opportunity via the 'financial lines' widget. For more information about linking products to a document, click here.

How did we do?

Create sales opportunity

Set validity period on sales quotations
