Import / sychronise emails

MJA Updated by MJA

It is possible to import emails from your own mail program into Newbase. This requires that your mail program is linked to Newbase and properly set up.

If an email needs to be imported into Newbase from your own email program, this email must be dragged/moved to a specific folder in your inbox.

You can then sync the emails via the menu in Newbase. To do this, click on your name at the top right and choose Sync mailbox from the menu.

As a user, you decide which email is read into Newbase. Confidential e-mail, spam, private e-mail, etc. is not automatically placed in Newbase.

How does Newbase know which email should be linked to which contact?

An e-mail address is automatically linked to a contact based on the emailaddress in the email and the emailaddress in Newbase.

All emails are given an unread status. You may want to link these to projects and so on.

How did we do?

Unable to send a message / email

Create and send one or more (batch) messages with attachments
