Search for goods that are still to be deliverd

MJA Updated by MJA

There are 2 standard queries available within Newbase which will show you the sales order (lines) that have not yet been issued with a (complete) delivery note.

  1. The standard query: to be delivered within the module sales order


This query shows all sales orders that have yet to be delivered in whole or in part. In this search, it is possible that one line of the sales order has already been delivered completely, but another order line has not yet been delivered.

  1. The standard query: to be delivery within the module sales order line


This search within sales order lines shows all sales order lines which are not yet completely or partially delivered.


  • The user has access to the company
  • There is at least one rule that applies:
    • the 'fully delivered' checkbox is not checked
    • the number still to be delivered is greater or less (due to redelivery) than 0

Are there shipping/transport costs on the list 'to be delivered'?

  • Do not remove the shipping/transport costs from the delivery note!
  • Shipping/transport costs should be delivered to ensure that these lines do not always come up when performing the query
  • Duplicate the sales order that contains the shipping/transport costs to a delivery note. By locking the delivery note the shipping/transport costs will then no longer appear on the list

How did we do?

Print a delivery note / pick list

Deliver more goods than on sales order
