Table of Contents

Work with a Print template (MS Word)

MJA Updated by MJA

​1. What is a print template (MS Word) in Newbase​

A print template offers the possibility to create a print layout yourself in a word processor, using all the options of a word processor, and copy data from Newbase into this document using bookmarks.

How does it work in short?

  1. You create a template with bookmarks within MS Word or another word processor
  2. You save this document as a .dotx file on your own computer (there is no connection with Newbase)
  3. You create a Print template (MS Word) within Newbase with a reference to the relevant bookmarks
  4. In this Print template you upload the file from step 2 from your computer. This file is stored within the application and therefore not written to a server path
  5. You open the Print template in Newbase within the relevant record (for example a quotation)
  6. If the Print template is set as 'internal' then the document will be saved on your PC and you can open it from your PC. You do need a program on your PC that can open .dotx files. Otherwise you will not be able to open the file
  7. If the Print template is NOT set as 'internal' then the document will be saved to the set server path of the concerning module

​2. Word processor used in this document​

This help file uses Libre Office in the Dutch language. If you use MS Word, you can use this manual as a guide to determine the steps. It is assumed that you have sufficient knowledge of your own operating system and word processor to be able to set up a template with this example.

​3 What is the difference between the template and print template modules in Newbase?​

1. Module template:

A template is a default text for a specific module of Newbase. A template is used in combination with the 'standard' prints set in Newbase. The data is therefore printed based on a standard layout built into Newbase. No other program is started. These templates can contain merge codes, and can be used in letters or emails, as well as in the start, end, headers and footers of various financial documents.

2. Module print template Ms Word

The print template module uses a document that has been formatted with bookmarks in an external word processor and is opened in Newbase, with data from Newbase being filled in where the bookmarks are located.

​4. Types of print templates

There are 2 types of print templates:

  • A template with 'directly related data'. For example, a template showing data from a customer project, such as the name and serial number of the project, the start date, employee, briefing, etc. This data only exists once. See chapter 5.
  • A template with 'indirectly related data of which more than one exists'. For example, a sales invoice template. Here the debtor is directly related (there is only 1) and the sales invoice lines are indirectly related (there may be several). See chapter 6.

An important difference between one related data, in this case the debtor, and the multiple related data, in this case the lines, is that in order to use the rules, a second template must be created. This is not necessary to show only debtor information on the invoice.

  1. Create a document in a word processor of your choice, for example MS Word or Libre Office
  2. In this document, add bookmarks at the location where data should come from Newbase, example:
  3. Save the document as a .dot or .dotx file
  4. Go to the module print template (MS Word) in Newbase
  5. Click new to create a new template or select an existing one
  6. Below is an explanation of the fields within the Template widget (external printing). It is important to fill these in first.


Choose the module for which the template applies.


If the template will be used for printing as standard, the default check box must be checked.

Mail merge template

In our example it is not a list template, so that check box remains unchecked.

List Template

If the template is a list you check this box.

In our example it is not a list template, so that check box remains unchecked.


Unchecked means there is a server path where the document can be saved. Checked means there is no server path and the document is saved locally on your PC


The file name remains empty, because the word processing template (.dot file) to be created will be loaded there later.


Here you can choose portrait or landscape.


Click here to upload the .dot or .dotx file you created within a text editor into Newbase.


To save the template


The file name remains empty, until a file is uploaded.


Choose whether the template only applies to certain companies or roles.


If the template is available for a specific role, select that role here.


Give the print template a name that will be displayed in Newbase

  1. Now you will put the bookmarks in Newbase. Click on the plus sign to add a bookmark
Please note: the names of the bookmarks must be copied exactly! Below you can see the names of the bookmarks in our example
  1. After you click on the plus sign, a pop-up will open. Within this pop-up you can search by field name. In the example below we search by ref. number and all modules containing this field are shown. In our example we are looking for the ref. number of a customer project. Open it and click on the icon
  2. A new pop-up will appear where you can enter the name of the bookmark. So this name must be exactly the name of the bookmark!​
  3. Click OK and then click close
  4. Repeat this until you have added all bookmarks
  5. When you are done, click close and you will see all the bookmarks
  6. Restart Newbase
If you want to add the name of an organization to a template, you do not search for 'name', but you search for organization and choose Organisation, this field will show the name of the organisation.

Stil developing.

7. How to open the print template from a document

Once the print template has been created as described in the previous chapter, you can start using it.

  1. Go to the document you want a print template for. In our example a customer project.
  2. Click on the 3 dots and choose Export to MS Word and click on the name of the template​
  3. Below is our example where you can see that the data from Newbase has been copied where the bookmarks are

How did we do?

Message not send / marked as send
