Set validity period on sales quotations

MJA Updated by MJA

1. Set validity period as default

In the company settings you can set how many days a sales quotation is valid by default. The number of days set here is added to the date on which the quotation is 'printed'.

To do this, go to the 'Financial setting' widget of the company module.


Setting is: 30 days

Date printed: 30/05/2024

Date of quotation valid until: 29-06-2022

It is also possible to manually adjust the validity date of a sales quotation. You do this with the 'Forecast information' widget of the quotation itself.

​2. Set per product​

It is also possible to set a validity period on a product. This will then not be shown as standard on the print of the sales quotation, so a print adjustment must be made. Please contact Newbase for this.

If you manually fill in the 'quote valid until' field on the quotation before a date has been printed, the default settings will be adopted when the document is printed and the manually set date will be overwritten. So make sure that the date printed field is filled in before manually filling in the valid until field.

How did we do?

Create sales quotation

Create sales order
