Set debtor or invoice to: do not remind / no reminders

MJA Updated by MJA

You can indicate whether a debtor or a specific sales invoice may not be sent a reminder:

​1. Set debtor to no reminder

If a debtor should not be reminded, this can be indicated within the relevant debtor in the widget 'Other debtor data'.

This setting will be duplicated into sales invoices of the concerning debtor and cannot be unchecked in the sales invoice.

Within the debtor there are several widgets with lists of invoices. In these widgets you can see an icon when the debtor of sales invoice is set to 'no reminders'

​2. Set invoice to no reminder

If a specific invoice should not be reminded, this can be indicated within the relevant invoice in the 'Reminder data' widget​. If the concerning debtor is already set to 'no reminders' you can see this in this same widget.

How did we do?

Search for sales invoices to be reminded via the open sales invoices module

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