VAT Settings

MJA Updated by MJA

Within the VAT program VAT data can be entered for the purpose of calculating VAT and the accounting processing thereof. The VAT settings are transferred to financial documents based on the debtor data.

  1. Go to the module VAT
  2. To create a new record click on new, to edit a record select the record that you want to edit

Below an explanation of the fields:


If you work with multiple companies in Newbase, choose the relevant company here

Sales / Purchase:

It is mandatory to fill in whether it concerns the VAT settings for sales or purchases

Ledger No.:

Not in use

VAT Code:

You choose the type with a predefined selection list. The choices are VAT high, low, 0, none or shifted.


The applicable percentage for the VAT institution. To enter 21%, enter 21 (not 0.21).

Trade region:

You choose the trade region from a predefined lookup list. The choice are own country, EU and Non EU.

Fiscal country:

This field only needs to be filled in when different VAT is used in certain circumstances. Please contact Newbase for this.

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