
Book purchase invoice to Twinfield

If the country of the creditor's organization is not the same as the fiscal country, the booking will not be accepted by Twinfield. The period in which the purchase invoice is booked is determined by…

Updated by MJA

How to create a creditor

General information regarding the connection with Twinfield and/or Basecone: Creditors are created in Newbase and transferred to Twinfield. Creditors are then transferred from Twinfield to Basecone.…

Updated by MJA

Create purchase order via a RFQ (request for quotation)

Select the RFQ that you would like to duplicate to a purchase order. Click on the 'next step' icon on the right and choose > Duplicatie > purchase order.

Updated by MJA

Create separate purchase order (by for stock)

There are several ways to create a purchase order. This help file describes how to create a separate purchase order. If you want to know more or on creating a purchase order from a sales order, click…

Updated by MJA

Create a purchase order via sales order (no stock booking)

If you purchase specifically for a sales order, the products concerned will not be added to the stock upon receipt. After all, you are purchasing for a specific assignment and it is not the intention…

Updated by MJA

Create purchase orders from a selection of sales orders (collect)

It is possible to create 1 or more purchase orders from a selection of sales orders. If you purchase specifically for a sales order (or a project) , these products will not be added to the stock. Cli…

Updated by MJA

Linking a project to a purchase order after goods are received

Do you want to link a project to a purchase order when goods al already received? Below mentioned is applicable when working with journal entries and will make sure your financial administration we s…

Updated by MJA

Cancel a purchase order

Easy option with loss of history: Delete the purchase order. Then history is lost. You may need to unlink links that are attached to the purchase order first. Save history: Set the phase of the purch…

Updated by MJA

Prepay a purchase invoice (pro forma purchase invoice)

There is probably already a purchase order, but not a goods receipt yet. Create a purchase invoice in Newbase. Enter the relevant amount including VAT on the purchase invoice, in this example Euro 12…

Updated by MJA

Indicate goods that will no longer be received

Search for goods to be received: The goods still to be received can be found via the standard search 'still to receive' within start screen of purchase order line. If the goods will no longer be rece…

Updated by MJA

Book a purchase invoice or a sales invoice from a previous year

1. Adjust a ref./servial number temporarily. If you have set reference numbers with a code in it (a complete year {YYYY}, or a part {YY}, then the current year is automatically adopted when creating…

Updated by MJA

Purchasing for multiple projects and/or sales orders on one purchase order

Do you want to be able to purchase for multiple projects on one purchase order (to get a better price? for example)? Do you want to be able to purchase for multiple sales orders on one purchase order…

Updated by MJA

How do you find purchase orders (lines) for which the receipt (line) has not yet been linked to a purchase invoice (line)?

It is important to know that the link between a purchase order and a purchase invoice is on the lines. You can receive multiple purchase invoices for 1 purchase order. To see to which purchase order…

Updated by MJA

Delivery date on a purchase order

1. Enter the delivery date when creating a purchase order if known at that time. When creating a purchase order, you can enter a delivery date per line, if this date is already known. > You can do th…

Updated by MJA

How can you see on a purchase invoice line whether a receipt has been linked?

​1. General​. Firstly it is important to know that the link exists on the lines. A purchase invoice can contain lines from multiple purchase orders or receipts. There is therefore no 1-to-1 link betw…

Updated by MJA

How can you see on a purchase order or receipt whether a purchase invoice is linked?

​1. General​. Firstly it is important to know that the link exists on the lines. A purchase invoice can contain lines from multiple purchase orders or receipts. There is therefore no 1-to-1 link betw…

Updated by MJA
