General functions

​How to search in Newbase

​1. Default queries in every s tart screen. Within the start screen of each module, various default queries are immediately displayed that can help you quickly find records. Below is an explanation o…

Updated by MJA

Send login details

The internal application manager within your organization can send login data from the user card. Open the User Newbase module. Select the user you want to send login data to. Go to the loging widet…

Updated by MJA

Log in to Newbase

You need login details to log in to Newbase. If you have not received this information, please contact your internal Newbase application manager. You can log in via the Newbase website: www.newbase.n…

Updated by MJA

Difference start screen - summary screen - edit screen - quick edit

For more information about searching for records, click here.​ For more information about searching a module, click here. ​1. Start screen​. When you open a module, you always first arrive at the sta…

Updated by MJA

Create and save your own search

Perform a search, for example by using 'advanced search'. You will then end up in a list of results. Now click on the magnifying glass icon and choose 'edit my searches'. A pop-up will open and click…

Updated by MJA

Standard (pre-programmed) list views

Newbase has one or more pre-programmed lists per module. You can find this by clicking on the three dots next to 'List...'. If you do not see the three dots, you must first make a selection of record…

Updated by MJA

How to adjust the order of columns in a list

For mor information on list views click here. The order of columns in a list can be changed and saved. For example: You are in a list of sales quotations and in the first column is ref. number and in…

Updated by MJA

Group data in a list and/or select which colums in a list you want to see

A list can be grouped. This function can be applied to almost all lists of almost all modules. In this help file we take as an example a list of open sales quotations. You can group this list by all…

Updated by MJA

Listview editor - create your own list

Newbase has one or more pre-programmed lists per module. These lists may not provide the information you are looking for. In this case you can create lists yourself via the listview editor. Search fo…

Updated by MJA

Turn a listview into a board view

You can turn a list view into a board view in which you can easily change the status of a record by moving it. Make sure you are in a list view with a selection of records Click on the three dots to…

Updated by MJA

Add or remove colums within a widget

You can create your own list within a widget or edit an existing list. This way you can decide for yourself which data you see in a widget and in which order. The adjustments you make apply to everyo…

Updated by MJA

Duplicate / Copy documents and possibly renew data

Within Newbase you can easily copy a document to the same document or to another document. The advantage here is that all data is copied. Think about: - from sales lead to sales opportunity - from sa…

Updated by MJA

Replace data in a selection of records

It is possible to replace data in a selection of records in one go. Which data you can replace differs per module. Make a selection of records for which you want to replace data. Click on the three d…

Updated by MJA

Navigate to related records

It is possible to navigate from a list to other related modules. For example, from a list of sales orders you can easily navigate to the related organizations, relations, projecs etc. From the list,…

Updated by MJA

Adjust home screen

The first screen you see in Newbase when you start up is determined by what is on the top left of your screen. If you prefer a different home screen you can adjust this. Click on your name at the top…

Updated by MJA

How does file storage work in Newbase? How are pdf files created?

A document in Newbase, for example a quotation, is only saved as a PDF when you create a message from the quotation. Newbase does not automatically create PDFs of all documents. The document is saved…

Updated by MJA


For Windows use: “alt and shift” + the code from the list below. for Apple use: “ctrl” + the code from the list below. hotkey with 1 > Go to the start screen. hotkey with 2 > Go to module screen. key…

Updated by MJA

Webservice / API Newbase

It is possible to use the Newbase web service. We would like to refer you to our API website for more information. We also ask you to register your use via support@n…

Updated by MJA

Why don't I see the 'next step' button?

The next step button in Newbase is located at the top right of your screen. It may happen that you click on the next step button from a summary screen of a record and you do not see that specific nex…

Updated by MJA

Show totals of a list

If you want to see the total of the financial data or the total of the number of records within a list view, click on the three dots to the right of the list..... and choose 'Show totals'. Listview e…

Updated by MJA

Copy widgets and privileges from role to role

In Newbase you can easily copy widgets and/or privileges from a certain role to another role. You do this within the module owner > widget role. Warning: Be careful when performing this action. Once…

Updated by MJA
