Create and send one or more (batch) messages with attachments

MJA Updated by MJA

You can create a message from various modules with the document as a PDF attachment in the message. Think of a quotation, order, invoice, etc.

The following describes how to create and send a single document as well as how to send multiple documents at the same time.

Creating and sending one message with attachment:

Example: you want to send a single sales invoice.

  1. Go to the relevant sales invoice > make sure the document is locked > click on the 3 dots > choose create mail with PDF. If there are multiple prints you can choose a print
  1. You will now arrive at the detail screen of the message, which you can adjust if desired
  2. If you have changed the data of the message click first on Save and then click on Send.

If you have saved and closed the message without sending you can send it by clicking on the 3 dots and choose: Send

Creating and sending multiple messages with attachments (batch sending)

You want to send a series of multiple sales invoices at once:

  1. Find the sales invoices you want to send and make sure you are in a list view
  2. From the list, click on the 3 dots and choose create mails with PDF from list

You will now end up in the detail screen of 1 message. You can now choose to send the messages one by one from the detail screen of the message as described above OR you go back to the list view so that you can send everything at once. Click on the 3 dots and choose to send in series.

How did we do?

Import / sychronise emails

Entry screen of a message
