Create organisation

Go to the program organisations and choose new. The screen below will now appear. Below an explanation of the fields: Organisation The organisation name is entered in this field Prefix name For examp…

Updated by MJA

Modify organisation address

Find the organisation whose address you want to change. Click on the pencil of the widget 'organisation addresses'. Click on the 'plus' sign to add an address. Click on the icon in front of the line…

Updated by MJA

Create contact

A contact is someone you interact with. This can be a contact within an organisation or a private contact. Below is explained how you can create a contact within an organisation. Click here t o creat…

Updated by MJA

Modify organisation address (duplicate)

Find the organisation whose address you want to change. Click on the pencil of the widget 'organisation addresses'. Click on the 'plus' sign to add an address. Click on the icon in front of the line…

Updated by MJA

Create a new private contact or create a private contact from an existing person

Newbase works with persons and contacts. The person module contains data about the person such as name, gender, private data. The contact module contains business data. A person always only appears o…

Updated by MJA

Create message

You can create a message in several ways: Via the start screen of the module Message and the button 'New'. Via another module, for instance Contacts, and than via the widget 'activitiy log'. The entr…

Updated by MJA

Send invoice to department > create department as contact

In many cases, a sales invoice will not have to be sent to a 'contact' but to a 'department'. This means that this department will have to be created in Newbase as a 'contact'. This is further explai…

Updated by MJA

Check if messages are send

When a message has been sent from Newbase, it will receive a sending date. You can see this date within the message in the following widgets Widget 'message content'. Widget Data Entries: Of course y…

Updated by MJA

How to create a contact report

You can create a new contact report in Newbase in several ways: Creation via the Contact Reports program: Go to the contact reports program and click on new. Creation from another program: Go to the…

Updated by MJA

Working with taska

​1. How can you create a task?​. 1. Go to the tasks module and click on new in the start screen. You then link the relationship, project, etc. yourself in the creation screen. or 2. Go to a record, e…

Updated by MJA

How to create a note

You can create notes in Newbase in several ways. Go to the program notes and click on new. or Go to a program (e.g. relations) and within the widget 'activity log' click on the paperclip icon and cho…

Updated by MJA

Replacing an internal employee at an organization or contact in one go

It is possible to replace an internal employee in one go. This is useful if, for example, an employee leaves the company and someone else takes over the customers. Go to the Linked employee module. F…

Updated by MJA

Create an appointment

There are 3 ways to create an appointment 1: via de module calender 2: via the module appointment 3: via the activitiy log of another module 1 Create appointment via the module calender. Open the mod…

Updated by MJA

There is no email address in a message

What is good to know is that a message is always sent to a contact. It is possible that email addresses have been entered, but that they have been entered at the organisation or at the person module…

Updated by MJA

Delete contact or set to inactive?

You can only delete a contact if nothing is linked to this contact. Such as messages, quotations, etc.. If there are documents linked to a contact it is best to set a contact to inactive, then the hi…

Updated by MJA

Unable to send a message / email

If you are unable to send a message/email, this may have a number of causes: 1. The user linked to the message is not authorized 2. The logged in user is not authorized to send a message from the lin…

Updated by MJA

Import / sychronise emails

It is possible to import emails from your own mail program into Newbase. This requires that your mail program is linked to Newbase and properly set up. If an email needs to be imported into Newbase f…

Updated by MJA

Create and send one or more (batch) messages with attachments

You can create a message from various modules with the document as a PDF attachment in the message. Think of a quotation, order, invoice, etc. The following describes how to create and send a single…

Updated by MJA

Entry screen of a message

What the entry screen of a message looks like depends on how it is set up for you and can be adjusted. ​1. Linking recipients​. If you create a separate new message, you will have to link recipients…

Updated by MJA

Export CRM data such as email addresses and addresses to Excel

Go to the contact module and select the contacts whose data you want to export. Make sure you are in a list view and click on the 3 dots to the right of 'list contacts'. Choose Display mailing here i…

Updated by MJA
