Error when booking to Twinfield: ... dimension 2 cannot be empty when dimension 3 is used

It is important to realize that Twinfield sends this message back to Newbase after Twinfield has performed checks. This message means that a cost account is missing. When a project is linked, a cost…

Updated by MJA

Error when booking to Twinfield: not balanced

It is important to realize that Twinfield sends this message back to Newbase after Twinfield has performed checks. This message means that the invoice is not in balance. Probably something is not set…

Updated by MJA

Error when booking to Twinfield: ..... cannot be sub analyzed

It is important to realize that Twinfield sends this message back to Newbase after Twinfield has performed checks. This message means that the ledger number to which the booking is made may not be su…

Updated by MJA

Error when booking to Twinfield: ....invalid performance country

It is important to realize that Twinfield sends this message back to Newbase after Twinfield has performed checks. This notification means that it is checked to which country your Newbase company is…

Updated by MJA
