Create a (private) debtor (and choose company)

Note: Before you can create a debtor in Newbase, it must exist as an organization or as a private contact in Newbase. If the organization does not yet exist, click here for an explanation of how to c…

Updated by MJA

Link a different debtor to a organization (debtor connection)

It is possible to link another debtor to an organization. This can be done via widget 'debtor connection' within an organization. In this way, organization A can place an order and organization B can…

Updated by MJA

Get payments from Twinfield (debtors)

After a sales invoice is booked to Twinfield, it ends up in Twinfield as either a draft or final entry. Depending on the company setting within Newbase. As soon as a payment is received in Twinfield…

Updated by MJA

Manually set an invoice to booked or not booked in Newbase

If you work with journal entries, we advise NOT to use this functionality. By setting an invoice that has already been booked to not booked via the check mark, it will NOT disappear from Twinfield. Y…

Updated by MJA

Can you duplicate a purchase order to a purchase invoice?

It is not possible to duplicate a purchase order to a purchase invoice. A separate purchase invoice must always be created. The reason for this is that there can be several purchase orders on a purch…

Updated by MJA

Search for sales invoices to be reminded via the open sales invoices module

Before you can work with reminders in Newbase, this must be set up. For information about the different methods of reminders and their design, click here.​ Once everything has been set up, you can us…

Updated by MJA

Set debtor or invoice to: do not remind / no reminders

You can indicate whether a debtor or a specific sales invoice may not be sent a reminder: ​1. Set debtor to no reminder. If a debtor should not be reminded, this can be indicated within the relevant…

Updated by MJA

Journal entries

This document describes working with journal entries in Newbase. Whether you work with journal entries is determined (and configured) during the implementation of Newbase This is a very comprehensive…

Updated by MJA

Set debtor to direct debit

If direct debit is used, the 'Bank' and 'Collection Data' widgets must be completed. The fields of these widgets are explained below: Account holder: The name of the debtor as known to the bank. Bank…

Updated by MJA

Sales invoice always to the same person / contact

If an invoice should always be sent to the same contact, you can set this within the debtor. Go to the Debtor info widget and click in the 'always send payment reminder to' field and choose the relev…

Updated by MJA

Product prices have changed and would you like to update them on member lines?

If you have adjusted product prices in the product database and these products are linked to a member line, this price will NOT be adjusted in the member line automatically. You will have to do this…

Updated by MJA
