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Import new products or modify existing producst

MJA Updated by MJA

Important for importing new products:
If you want to import new products, you can do this with an example file from Newbase. To be able to export this example file, at least 1 product must exist in Newbase. You then first select this example product in Newbase and from there you can export the example import file.
A product in Newbase is composed of several parts. For this reason you cannot import products with 1 file. This goes with several files. To create a new product, always start with the following file: Example export for import products.
Always import a small selection of a maximum of 10 products first to see if everything goes well!


A product in Newbase consists of all kinds of different parts (tables). For this reason it is not possible to import all product data into Newbase with 1 import file. So you do this per part.

For each product part you first export a example file which you can then import into Newbase.

What product components are there:

  • selling price - purchase price - supplier - product description - product ledger account - inventory location - etc.

1. Step 1: Export sample File​

Important if changing existing products:

If you want to change data for existing products, you must first make a selection of all relevant products before exporting a sample import file.

Important if importing new products:

If you want to create new products in Newbase, you must select at least one example product before exporting the example import file.

Example import sales price of existing products

We take the example of importing new sales prices of existing products

  1. Go to the product module and find the products whose sales price you want to adjust
  2. Make sure you are in a list view and click on the 3 dots at the top right > then open 'Export to MS Excel' > choose Example import sales prices

Note: if you want to adjust sales prices via import/export and there are products in your list that do not have a sales price, these will NOT be included in the example file.

  1. A pop-up opens with 3 columns. These columns contain the fields/columns that you can choose.

Column with mandatory fields: you must leave these fields/columns in place

Available fields column: all fields that are available

Column with selected fields: all fields that are now included in the sample file

  1. Make sure you only select the fields/columns you need, you can use multi select for this and click continue. Below you can see that only the field/column 'pices_sales' is selected
  2. You will then get a pop-up with a file name entered, do not change it and click OK
  3. Depending on which spreadsheet program you have set as default on your PC, a document will now open. In this document you can adjust the sales prices and save the document as .xls of .xlsx

​2. Step 2: Import file

Continued example of importing sales price of existing products
  1. After you have completed the file, you can read it again in Newbase. To do this, go to the product module again. Make sure you are in a list view > click on the 3 dots again > now choose 'import' > and select 'import sales prices
  1. A pop-up opens where you can import the saved file. To do this, click on 'import into intermediate file'. The lines are not directly imported in Newbase but first in the pop-up up where you can check the lines.
  2. Select the saved file that you want to import and click upload
  3. A blue bar will run behind the screen and when it is finished you will receive a status report indicating how many lines have been imported and why lines may not have been imported
  4. Click OK and the imported lines are now shown in the pop-up (the lines are not yet imported in Newbase). Check the lines and click on 'update product data'
  5. The following message appears:
  6. Click on OK to import the lines into Newbase

How did we do?

Import time lines
