
MJA Updated by MJA

For Windows use: “alt and shift” + the code from the list below.

for Apple use: “ctrl” + the code from the list below.

  • hotkey with 1 > Go to the start screen
  • hotkey with 2 > Go to module screen
  • keyboard shortcut with d > Go to display screen
  • keyboard shortcut with e > Go to change screen
  • keyboard shortcut with f > Go to search screen within a module
  • hotkey with h > Show navigation history
  • keyboard shortcut with i > Shows the widget numbers above all widgets
  • shortcut with m > Show the module finder
  • hotkey with n > Create new record within a module
  • keyboard shortcut with r > Change widgets
  • keyboard shortcut with q > Shut down Newbase
  • keyboard shortcut with s > Save within the edit screen of a module
  • shift  control s > Save within the edit screen of a module, lock and close the screen
  • keyboard shortcut with w > Save within the edit screen of a module and close the screen
  • arrow left > Go to previous record
  • arrow right > Go to next record

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Webservice / API Newbase
