Webservice / API Newbase

MJA Bijgewerkt door MJA

Het is mogelijk gebruik te maken van de webservice van Newbase. Hiervoor verwijzen we je graag naar onze API website voor meer informatie. https://www.newbase.nl/api/#/home

Tevens vragen we je het gebruik aan te melden via support@newbase.nl m.b.t. de kosten voor het gebruik van onze webservice. De kosten dd. 01-01-2024 bedragen Euro 125,00 per maand obv fair use policy en wordt per maand vooruit gefactureerd. Mocht er ook consultancy nodig zijn dan berekenen we hiervoor ons uurtarief op basis van nacalculatie.

1. Getting start in Newbase NEXT (new version)

Authorization and Security

To retrieve an authorization token to make use the api your need the following information:

- a Newbase username,

- password,

- owner id

- company id

This means that you always have to retrieve an authorization Token and with this token to make a Webservice request to retrieve data/ post to (/modified in) Newbase

The service is only available over Secure Socket Layer (SSL), this means that the data transfer will always be encrypted.

How to get your Newbase credentials.

  1. Login into the Newbase application
  2. You will find the owner id in the module Owner > Widget Detail
  3. Go to the module Owner > Widget Webserviceinstelling and fill in a username en password. Remember this pasword, Newbase will not be able to retrieve this password

1. Getting start in Newbase NOW (old version)

To make a web API call from a client like a web/mobile application, you must supply an access token on the call. The token acts like an electronic key that lets you access the API.You need credentails to generate a token, get my API credentails When you have a token you have to add it with every REST request submit.

Authorization and Security

The API is accessed with a Newbase username, password, owner id and company id to retrieve an authorization Token to make use the api.

This means that you always have to retrieve an authorization Token and with this token to make a Webservice request to retrieve data/ post to (/modified in) Newbase

The service is only available over Secure Socket Layer (SSL), this means that the data transfer will always be encrypted.

How to get your Newbase credentials.

  • Login into the Newbase application
  • Go to the program Settings
  • For the Owner Company Id and username and password you go to Owner - screenshot 1
  • On default the fields username and password are empty (when starting with webservices these fields are required) You can enter your own username and password
  • For the User Id you go to User - screenshot 2

Ben je hiermee geholpen?

Factuur staat in Newbase op betaald maar is in Twinfield niet betaald

Waarom zie ik geen vervolgstap?
